About the SWCD

The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) provides technical assistance to landowners and local governments for the wise use and conservation of Delaware County's soil and water resources.

The DCSWCD has twenty-three full-time staff including an Executive Director, Secretary/Treasurer, Special Programs Technician and a Soil and Groundwater Specialist as core staff. Eleven District staff work exclusively on the New York City Watershed Agricultural Program, which is a voluntary program intended to protect drinking water quality for the nine million users of New York City's reservoir system, while helping to sustain agriculture's economic viability in the region. Eight District staff also manage the Stream Corridor Management Program, which seeks to enhance stream corridor management within the New York City Watershed.

The DCSWCD was first formed in 1946 by the Delaware County Board of Supervisors. The District is governed by monthly meetings of its Board of Directors, which includes representatives from the Grange, the Farm Bureau, two Town Supervisors and an At-Large member.

SWCD Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Notice

View map to SWCD office

All programs and services of the Soil and Water Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service are offered on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or handicap.